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Textile Complex named after hero of Turkmenistan Atamurat Niyazov

Company home page | Textile Complex named after hero of Turkmenistan Atamurat Niyazov | Textile industry | TurkmenExporters

About company

Company name Textile Complex named after hero of Turkmenistan Atamurat Niyazov
Date of establishment 21-08-1995
Registration authority Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan
Organizational and legal form Closed joint-stock company
Bussiness type Textile industry
Ownership Public-Private Partnership
Main products Cotton yarn, knitted cloth, knitwear
Address Turkmenistan, Akhal province, Gokdepe city, Ashgabat-Baherden main road 46km
Additionally Textile Complex named after hero of Turkmenistan Atamurat Niyazov closed joint-stock company with over 20 years experience, produces high quality cotton yarn, knitted fabrics and knitwear products. Our textile complex is equipped with modern European and Japanese textile machines. Complex consists of Cotton spinning, Circular knitting, Weaving, Dyeing & Printing and Ready-Made garment plants.
Main products | Textile Complex named after hero of Turkmenistan Atamurat Niyazov | Textile industry | TurkmenExporters Main services | Textile Complex named after hero of Turkmenistan Atamurat Niyazov | Textile industry | TurkmenExporters

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Juma Allamuradov

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Textile Complex named after hero of Turkmenistan Atamurat Niyazov | Textile industry | TurkmenExporters

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