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Nurly Parcha economic society

Company home page | Nurly Parcha economic society | Petrochemical industry | TurkmenExporters

About company

Company name Nurly Parcha economic society
Date of establishment 17-06-2019
Registration authority Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan
Registration number №:14889994
Organizational and legal form Economic society
Bussiness type Petrochemical industry
Ownership Private
Main products Brake pads, silent block, stabilizer bar bush, axle boot
Address Turkmenistan, Mary province, Mary city, Bayramhan street 73 A
Additionally The company Nurly Parcha is a Turkmen manufacturer of brake pads for passenger cars. The company produces brake pads to order according to individual sizes and drawings. Nurly Parcha economic society is officially registered by Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan on 17 June 2019. Registration №14889994.
Main products | Nurly Parcha economic society | Petrochemical industry | TurkmenExporters Main services | Nurly Parcha economic society | Petrochemical industry | TurkmenExporters

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Nurmyrat Salyhov

General manager

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Nurly Parcha economic society | Petrochemical industry | TurkmenExporters

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