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Enterprise for production of sterilized bandages

Company home page | Enterprise for production of sterilized bandages | Pharmaceutical industry | TurkmenExporters

About company

Company name Enterprise for production of sterilized bandages
Date of establishment 16-10-2014
Registration authority Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan
Organizational and legal form State enterprise
Bussiness type Pharmaceutical industry
Ownership State
Main products Medical sterile products
Address Turkmenistan, Dashoguz province, Dashoguz city, Bitaraplyk avenue 126
Main products | Enterprise for production of sterilized bandages | Pharmaceutical industry | TurkmenExporters Main services | Enterprise for production of sterilized bandages | Pharmaceutical industry | TurkmenExporters

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Omar Halmuhammedovich

General manager

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Enterprise for production of sterilized bandages | Pharmaceutical industry | TurkmenExporters

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